19 Jul 2020



There is no denying that today’s day and age celebrates food trucks like nothing else. Just this past year, the food tuck industry was able to generate 1 billion dollars in profits –making it one of the most lucrative businesses within the food industry. The reality of today is such that many people have adjusted to a fast paced lifestyle. This means that they are more likely to stop for a quick meal while walking than to book a table and dine at a restaurant. As such, many industries has to adapt in order to remain successful.

Just like with any other business, a food truck will only be successful if it does a decent job attracting people towards it. That is the very first objective that needs to be achieved because the quality and taste of the food will only be appreciated if people stop to take part in the experience. For this very reason, a unique design is one of the biggest asset a food truck business has –whether they are operating in Asia, the UK, America or the like.

What key aspects should design cover?

More often than not, food truck companies will take into account the following features when creating the perfect design for their business. An attractive design will incorporate:

  • The identity of the food truck brand
  • The food items that are up for sale
  • The geographical coverage the food truck has
  • Whether they are involved in catering
  • The likes of their particular market
  •   Their social media page names
  • Trendy designs and innovative color pallets
  •   Modernized and high quality graphics
  •   Bold, attractive and easy to read typography
  •   A certain unique selling or attracting point
  • Your business logo
  •   A effective play on lighting so that not only is everything visible but also intriguing
  •   An effective use of images that relay the food options you have

You will always find that the surface area of your Airstream or Citroen HY food truck, whether a rental or not, will be enough for you to display your creativity and create an Instagram moment for your customers.

The unfortunate reality is, if your food truck lacks the creativity needed to make it an attractive option for passersby, your business will ultimately fail. The look of your food truck is what will create the first impression so it is always worth going the extra mile to ensure that it is a positive one. It is only when you understand the important of a unique design that you will be able to persuade people to give your food a chance.

How the food truck design helps your business?

When you have decorated your Airstream or Citroen HY food truck with the best design you can come up with that represents your brand identity just as well as it persuades customers to buy your food, you will truly notice a difference.

The fact of the matter becomes, you will have been successful is relaying a heartwarming and inviting feeling to your customer base. The experience of the food coupled with good services, reasonable prices and a potential Instagram moment to top it all off becomes something that they will remember for times to come. Thus, not only have you attracted a new customer but you have also retained their interest and ensured that they become a loyal customer.

When your food truck has a certain kind of personality, you establish a unique selling point that puts you on a completely separate footing that most of your competitors. This is the one thing that will encourage customers to opt for you instead of the next best alternative. People will notice a spectacular airstream food truck from afar and will avail your services to satisfy their curiosity. However, if your food truck does not appeal to them, then they will just walk right past it without giving it any thought in that moment or later in life. You will become unnoticeable.

How does social media pay into your popularity?

In today’s day and age, one of the best platforms is the internet and, subsequently, social media. With over 3.8 billion people from all across the globe utilizing this platform, there are various opportunities of growth. All you have to do is put in the required effort to utilize them.

Social media in particular has become quiet the rage. People go about their day sharing pieces of information throughout on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and especially Instagram in particular. Any event that they attend, any special occasion that they are celebrating and even the kinds of food they are eating all see the light on social media. As a business that thrives on attention, food truck businesses should always seek to make the most out of this phenomenon.

When you have one of the most attractive looking food trucks in Ireland, or the whole of UK, you will notice that a large number of people will want to turn it into an Instagram moment. This means that they will want to show off to others, their creative surroundings. Thus, they will take pictures, put in check in locations and write posts along with reviews about your food truck business. Sooner or later, your design aesthetic could even become trending, depending on the way people utilize their Instagram moment.

When people share information and graphics about your food truck on a social media platform like Instagram that has a reach well in the millions, more people are likely to visit your food truck being eager to be part of the trend. Similarly, more people are also likely to follow your social media account so that they remain informed about your whereabouts and existence in case they want to partake later on.

Lastly, another way through which Instagram moments can really translate into more business for is the use of hashtags. When people add hashtags to posts pertaining to you, they all collect in a giant collection of similar posts, where people have used the same hashtag. This allowed for selective content viewing which can put you on the map in different locations across the world –making you a global phenomenon.

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